Tourism Industry Association of Manitoba (TIAM) elects first Board of Directors
April 18, 2024 - WINNIPEG, MB – The Tourism Industry Association of Manitoba (TIAM) celebrated Tourism Week by welcoming 125 participants to their first annual conference and AGM held at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg.
“Tourism is a cornerstone of Manitoba’s economy,” said new Board Chair, John Gunter of Frontiers North Adventures, “We want to thank everyone who came together to celebrate the industry and thank our incredible group of speakers from across Canada. We are ready to tackle the industry’s challenges together and...
Parks Canada’s Unilateral Decisions Directly Impacting Local Communities
Wasagaming, MB – Parks Canada announced sweeping restrictions on water access throughout Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP). This follows months of uncertainty and the cancellation of all water- based events earlier this year. The Tourism Industry Association of Manitoba (TIAM) and Indigenous Tourism Manitoba (ITM) are concerned that the ban has been announced without complementary supports to address impacts to visitor experiences, local businesses, and local jobs.
“Federal and provincial governments have a duty to step up with support programs to ensure businesses can continue to serve visitors to the region.” said John Gunter, TIAM Board Chair.
Parks Canada has indicated that this decision is valid throughout 2024 with no timeline for reassessment. The impacts from this decision are already being felt, including by new Indigenous tourism operators.
“Indigenous Tourism Manitoba is deeply concerned about the impact of these restrictions, including on Indigenous tourism operations offering visitors the chance to immerse themselves in the rich culture and traditions of the area's Indigenous peoples,” said Holly Courchene, CEO, ITM. “We urge governments to work with us to find a solution that preserves the park's beauty while ensuring the viability of our tourism industry.”
TIAM and ITM, in collaboration with local businesses and operators in RMNP, are requesting that in addition to establishing an advisory committee on lake protection for RMNP, the federal and provincial governments invest in enhanced visitor experiences for the Park and establish an economic relief fund for local businesses. Specifically, they are calling for:
- A minimum investment of $500,000 in a 2024 Visitor Experience Fund for the Park
- A minimum investment of $500,000 in a 2024 Economic Relief Fund for local businesses
“It is critical, now more than ever, that all levels of government engage with the community to address the impacts of this decision and develop long-term solutions.” said Chuck Davidson, President & CEO, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce.
For more information, please contact
Thank you to all participants of our first Conference and AGM!
We were grateful to receive feedback like these notes:
Sessions like "Successfully Navigating..." were highlights. Allowing speakers and experts to dig into topics with each other was the most interesting part.
I liked the break-out session - Beyond words: Tourism is Reconciliation in Action. Indigenous Tourism Manitoba (ITM).
My favourite things at Conference: Bringing together industry, keynotes of Phil Mondor, Greg Klassen, the panel with Destination Canada and TIAC with John was good.
This conference was an outstanding start for TIAM and long overdue!
The conference program and times allotted were excellent.
Presenters could not have been better. The calibre of presentations and discussions gave everyone encouragement, a great sense of comfort, and reinforced why it was important to be there. Further, they left everyone wanting more.
Overall, a five-star event. Congratulations!
And thank you Lilian and your army!
For more information about about the conference, please contact Lilian Tankard by phone or text at 204‑612‑9430, or by email at

The Tourism Industry Association of Manitoba (TIAM) proudly announces its first Conference and AGM at the RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, April 17-18, 2024.
To celebrate Canada’s 2024 Tourism Week and in cooperation with The Tourism Awards Winnipeg | Manitoba, co-hosted by Travel Manitoba and Tourism Winnipeg, please save the date for TIAM's 2024 Conference and AGM. This event will take place during the day of Wednesday, April 17 and the morning of Thursday, April 18.
The following list of advocacy priorities were ranked by TIAM Founding Members in the lead up to the recent provincial election. These priorities will inform conference presentations and discussion, including:
- Rural and Northern Labour Challenges
- Indigenous Tourism: Reconciliation in Action
- Empowering Women in Tourism
- Building Tourism Capacity and Access to Capital
TIAM acting board members held their quarterly meeting with the Hon. Glen Simard, Minister of Sports, Culture, Heritage and Tourism.
Thursday April 11, 2024 – At the meeting TIAM representatives shared the industry’s response to the recent provincial budget.
While it’s disappointing that Manitoba continues to fall further behind other provinces with no increase in Travel Manitoba’ s budget, TIAM is pleased to hear the Minister’s commitment to returning to the 95/5 funding formula within a year. TIAM also discussed collaborating with the Minister by bringing together government and industry to tackle key issues such as the hospitality and tourism labour shortage, tourism staff housing, supporting Indigenous tourism, and the challenge being faced by operators in Riding Mountain National Park.
TIAM also shared our appreciation for the Government’s support to keep Clear Lake open and stepping-up enforcement against Aquatic Invasive Species in response to the federal government’s potential decisions that could have multi-million dollar impacts to communities and the economy. TIAM looks forward to hearing Minister’s Simard’s remarks in the fire-side chat at our upcoming conference!
Representatives from TIAM’s acting board met for the first time with the Hon. Jamie Moses, Minister of Economic Development, Investment, Trade, and Natural Resources.
Friday April 12, 2024 – This meeting was an important opportunity to introduce Min. Moses to TIAM as the voice for the tourism industry in Manitoba. Also discussed was the value of tourism, the role the tourism industry plays in Manitoba’s economy, and how investment in tourism brings an incredible and immediate return to Manitoba.
The TIAM representatives highlighted how Min. Moses’ department can play an important role in supporting the tourism industry and tourism operators, and appreciated his commitment to ensuring the department is prepared to step up and work across departments with industry to tackle challenges and seize opportunities. TIAM looks forward to its next meeting with Minister Moses.
Help establish and grow tourism industry representation in Manitoba!
For a limited time become a Founding Member, which will forever yield an 'FM' designation alongside that organization’s TIAM membership record.
In time, the benefits to your organization in becoming a member of the Tourism Industry Association of Manitoba will include:
- Advocacy and Representation
- Business Networking
- Information and Research
- Industry Reports
- Training and Development
- Certification Programs
- Government and Community Relations
- Regulatory Support
To date, members have contributed to identifying the organization’s advocacy priorities which influenced policy commitments from political parties in the recent provincial election, and since the election has resulted in a dedicated Minister for Tourism. As well TIAM representatives have met with the new administration and will continue to meet with the Minister on a quarterly basis to advocate TIAM’s identified priorities.
TIAM has secured funding support from the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce to hold a spring 2024 Advocacy Conference, with speakers from across Canada already committed to attend and contribute to the success of the conference.
Don’t hesitate! Become a member of the Tourism Industry Association of Manitoba today!
Regular membership tiers and rates will become generally available later in 2024.
Stay connected with TIAM by visiting
and connecting on LinkedIn.
Help establish and grow tourism industry representation in Manitoba
Manitoba Election 2023
TIAM calls on all political parties to commit to address critical issues in the tourism industry.
During Summer 2023, TIAM surveyed members regarding advocacy priorities. For the October 3, 2023 provincial election, TIAM is advocating the top three priorities with political party leaders.
See more:
“Tourism is the fourth fastest growing industry in the world and there needs to be a stronger commitment to increasing tourism and attracting those tourists to our province [...] Manitoba cannot afford to be left behind.”
TIAM News Release September 15, 2023
TIAM officially launches, incorporated, registered and ready to serve!
At the Manitoba hosted 'TIA Canada Town Hall’, Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, TIAM Director Pit Turenne presents our launch, next steps, value proposing, working foundational policies and how to join this movement: Strength in Numbers - Better Together!
See below for how to officially join and show support for a united industry voice for our province. Earn Founding Member status, get a vote and help shape our inaugural priorities and plan.
Thank you to our partners, supporters and the industry for rallying around this launch.
Our Working Foundations
Tourism is a cornerstone to the economy of Manitoba. Strength in community. Success in business.
TIAM works with the industry leaders of tourism in Manitoba, fostering a competitive and prosperous visitor economy.
Unique Value Proposition:
Investing in TIAM is a commitment to in unified voice for the industry to government. Strength in numbers, strength in tourism.
Welcome to the newly forming
Tourism Industry Association of Manitoba!
We are pleased to report that after 7 months of research, engagement and meetings, we confirm that the industry in our province is ready for a leading voice for industry advocacy in our province, in strong collaboration with all tourism stakeholders in Manitoba.
Download the final report:
Tourism Development in Manitoba 2021 (PDF)
Launching Feasibility of a Tourism Industry Association (TIA) for Manitoba & Implementing a Tourism Development and Training Plan
Over the next coming months, the Working Group of TIA MB will be building a communications and outreach database as it works with all stakeholders and partners to advance the incorporation of the new association and build out advocacy priorities, relevant programs and meaningful partnerships.
Thank you to all those that contributed to this work.
— TIA Manitoba Working Group